
July 15, 2021

Why family photographs are important

This past Spring, I helped my parents move out of their Northern Virginia home that they lived in for 27 years. I have carried more boxes and handled more items of nostalgia than I care to admit. I adore old photos, as you might have guessed, and I found plenty while packing things up. Going through my childhood items, boxes from my moms childhood, and photos from hundreds of family vacations got me thinking: why are family photographs so important?

mother and daughter stand together at edge of creek
girl spinning in white dress along creek bed
close up of mothers hands around her daughter
black and white image of mother and daughter smiling looking at each other

Oddly enough, an episode from the Hidden Brain podcast titled “Why We Hold Onto Things” aired on a day I was packing. The host goes on to say that when we hold onto a special item from someone we are essentially holding onto that person. For example, throwing away a blanket from Granny is like throwing away Granny herself. Our brains relate the two items so closely that it’s hard to let it go. The same goes for a ticket stub, a button, a piece of furniture, clothing, and photos, etc. All of these items elicit a defined memory from the storehouse that is our brain. In the same respect, family photographs allow us to mentally time travel and conjure up feelings and details we might not otherwise remember.

parents stand together with daughter hugging them both
parents kiss while daughter makes kissy face
family photograph of mom tickling daughters neck

Family photographs tell a story.

Photographs freeze a memory in a way that allows you to cherish it for years to come. They help you feel close to people as well. When you share photographs with family members then they are now connected to you through that moment in the picture. You are inviting them into the feelings, environment, and story of that photo.

husband and wife stand in creek with symbolic flower crown
husband and wife standing in creek kissing
mother holds special necklace
black and white image of girl playing by creek

The items and photographs we own are connected to us and who we are as people. I love taking family photos because it is a gift to you and your kids. Capturing moments between your family to be enjoyed for years is what drives me in running my business.

Want to know why I love capturing your parents at an extended family session? Check out my blog here.