grandmother holding granddaughter while snuggling

January 12, 2023

2022 Client Superlative Awards

It’s that time of year again! I love looking back at my year and choosing “awards” for various sessions. I had such a fulfilling year seeing past clients, meeting new families, and adventuring to locations in Northern Virginia. Drumroll please – the 2022 Client Superlative Awards!

Coolest Mom
Let’s just go ahead and start with this one. Coolest mom award right here. She was fun, cool, relaxed, and made the session great for us all!

woman portrait smiling

Coolest Dad
I’m lucky to not have “bad dads” at my sessions. This dad takes the cake for coolest dad. He was ready to dance, tell jokes, or do whatever it takes to get his daughter to laugh.

man smiling in field

Cutest Couple
I don’t have many couple sessions, but I honestly couldn’t decide between these two. You could feel the admiration and love they had for each other and it made for some fun sessions.

couple kissing near purple flowers with sunset
couple standing near each other at top of hill

Most Fun in Old Town
You never know what you’ll get while strolling around Old Town Alexandria. We stumbled upon this art installation and I was happy to hear they were ready to incorporate it into a few images.

family with 2 young children Old Town Alexandria

Best Curls
This grandmother/granddaughter picture is one of my favorites from 2022. There’s movement, laughter, and matching curly locks.

grandmother and granddaughter snuggling with curly hair

Biggest Personality at a Senior Session
When this client wanted to include his ’67 Mustang into the session I knew it was going to be exciting. He totally rocked his session!

high school senior boy photography with 67' mustang car
high school senior boy photo session sitting in front of flowers
high school senior boy photography with 67' mustang car

Best Surprise at a Location
When I pulled up to this new location my jaw dropped. The red saplings scattered in the field were just beautiful and a wonderful surprise.

mom holding young son with dad in front of red sapling field

Best Parent Portrait
If you’ve done a session with me you know I always try to squeeze this in at some point. Most people tell me the last time they had pictures with their spouse was their wedding!

couple kissing for photography session 2022 client superlative awards

Coldest Session
The wind was picking up speed as the session time neared and I knew it was going to be chilly. I love wind at sessions because it adds movement, but on an early December day it can be cold! These wonderful clients bundled up with jackets they didn’t mind in photos and we made the best of it.

family of 3 on blanket in open field 2022 client superlative awards

Best Sibling Picture
Their snuggles, the leaves, the light, their outfits, the teddy bear. One of my favorite pictures from the Fall 2022 season!

two young siblings snuggling with fall leaves

Most Chaotic Extended Family Session
If you have ever done an extended family session then this title won’t be offensive. You just get it because you’ve done it. In fact the chaos of extended family sessions (actually family sessions too!) are why I love them!

extended family photography session on path 2022 client superlative awards
large family group standing in front of home 2022 client superlative awards

First Session for The Gold Hope Project
In 2021 I signed up to be a photographer for The Gold Hope Project, an organization that provides free portrait sessions to pediatric cancer patients. This year I completed my first session for this sweet family.

family standing near flowers with sun setting 2022 client superlative awards

Most Genuine Smile
This boy has the best, most authentic laugh-smile. Hands down. His mom was behind me trying (successfully) to get him to belly laugh and it worked! I won’t tell you what she did because she might be mad at me ๐Ÿ™‚ Just proves that YOU know what makes your kids laugh!

young boy in sweater smiling with fall leaves
smiling woman with fall foliage background 2022 client superlative awards

Most Creatively Coordinated Outfits
It takes skill to pull off a rooster shirt for your baby, but this momma did it so well!

family sitting on blanket with 2 young children

Most Diverse Senior Photos in one Session
I tend to find that one to two outfit changes is best for high school Senior sessions. This Senior really captured her entire personality in these two photos and had a blast at her session.

high school senior girl sitting near flowers
high school senior soccer ball with net 2022 client superlative awards

Best “big kid” Session
Who said you can’t take family photos when your kids are grown?

family of 4 with grown kids in old town Alexandria 2022 client superlative awards

I hope you enjoyed the 2022 Client Superlative Awards! Check out 2021 Superlatives for more.