
3 of 3: What I did differently the day of the session | Burke, Virginia Family Photographer

If this is your first time on my blog, then you are currently reading Part 3 in a series I wrote after having our own family photos taken. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 so you get the whole picture (pun intended). After being in front of the camera for our family photos instead of behind the camera, I gained a lot of insight and perspective. I carefully paid attention to what I did leading up to the session in order to help you with your family photos. 

I treated the day of our session all about the session itself. I worked backwards off the time we arranged and left plenty of time to get ready, make sure the kids were fed, and relax. Here are some things (donโ€™t judge me on these!) that I did for our session that I donโ€™t normally do:
– Put on make up. I rarely wear make up, but I wanted a little bit to help my features stand out. I applied a natural eyeshadow, light mascara, blush, and lip gloss.
– Ironed our clothes. Yep, I told you not to judge. I never iron. I just hate doing it and my husband doesnโ€™t need to iron his clothes for work. But for our photos that will be hung on our walls? Yes, I ironed. My dress needed it bad and the girls only a little. 
– Had my older girl nap. She recently turned 4 and doesnโ€™t take a nap anymore. I made sure we had something to do in the morning that would make her tired and it worked. Even if she just rested quietly I would have been fine with that. 
– Made dinner earlier. We were on vacation during our session so I actually made and froze dinner before we left home. The evening of our session we just pulled it out and baked it. While everyone (read: mom) was getting ready, no one had to worry about making dinner. 
– Had an afternoon cup of coffee. This 100% happened because I didnโ€™t get to nap even though I tried. I wanted to at least LOOK well-rested and if it wasnโ€™t real then coffee was going to make it look real!

I hope this was helpful as you prepare for your own family session.

Photos from our session below with the wonderful Mal Jack Photography